Monday, August 25, 2008

Pure excitement!

I am blogging LIVE from the Pepsi Center - 8pm EST - and the energy here is building. People are smiling and the anticipation is in explicable. America is rich with colorful faces, personalities, and unbounded energy as reflected through this Convention.

I am not on the floor tonight with the Florida which located to the front left of the stage in their Florida theme colors. They are a rowdy beach bunch. They went crazy when the Credentials Committee had restored their full delegation vote. Pure drama. Florida takes the cake.

Tonight's theme is all about the American Story - our story - Barack Obama's story. It is important night for us to reflect on our own story and how we evoke our own experience and need for CHANGE.

The Pepsi Center is buzzing with over 1400 media outlets from all ove the world. The Olympics are over and people are salivating for some substitute excitement.

I am looking forward to Michelle setting the record straight tonight and talking about her love story with Barack. It is American Story - our story.

This is our moment as One Nation.

Pure excitement.

You can view a spontaneous You Tube interview at - search Marlon Hill

Until the next,



Rosemarie said...

We are an immigrant family from the fastest nation in the world. We are so proud of you.
Keep us informed.
We are watching and waiting. We also want to hear who is there from Miami.

We will vote for change.

Love Aunt Rosie

David Mullings said...

Loving this, keep it coming.

Anonymous said...

Hey Marlon,

Thanks for taking us along for the ride. Keep it going. Blog on!
