Monday, August 25, 2008

Michelle O!

Michelle OBAMA!


Now - this is what it is all about.

Love. Family. Values.

Michelle has told her story in a manner that brings you right into her living room.

The Convention has gotten on the right tone that reflects Barack's personality. Looking forward to the crescendo.


Anonymous said...

It was a fantastic speech. A huge majority of American families basically share the same experiences, concerns and feelings (yes,FEELINGS, although I know that word is apolitical) she spoke about in her speech. How either of them could be labeled elitist because they worked hard to get to where we would ALL like to be---successful, confident yet grounded, with focus and the spirit to try to do the things we know in our hearts are right no matter the challenges---always confounds me. I always thought that was the whole point of the American seems unfair to penalize/criticize someone for actually making that dream come true.I can hardly wait to hear Barack's speech.

Anonymous said...

What a moving speech! I was very impressed by her lack of exaggerated pausing that we so so often in convention speeches. I was also blown away by her poeticism in her delivery and gestures. She is a very powerful and inspiring woman.